That crazy cat again
Mom was really good today. Quite a bit of conversation, a little confusion but.... Tuesday she gets the tube taken out of her kidney along with the multiple stones.
On a personal note, I am having issues withholding information from my mother - knowing it would upset her, cause her to worry, cry and... I understand there is a point of her not needing to know keeping life as simple as possible for her and..
I an also having issues at the next stage of life. I really wanted that place in north Seattle as it had many places to photograph the flowers, birds, and... Hoping I don't have to settle for a hollow place that is just shelter. I do feel guilty writing this as I know so many would give just about anything for a roof over their head let alone a hot meal..
Sorry for being a hit/miss blipper. Trying to keep myself together, playing with Tiger and do more than existing. Although I really don't want to move on, I know life does. Hopefully in a few months I will get back into a routine of things. I know more sunshine will help a lot.
A special thank you to a person, she knows who she is for listening the other day. One of the things I miss about my dad the most - talking a little about everything and nothing at the same time. sigh...
Back to work tomorrow
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