The Way I See Things



"What's a creation?" enquired the Boy Wonder.

"Well," I said, "when you make something, we say that you're creating it. And the thing you make is called a creation. So your Lego roller is your creation."

He thought very seriously about this for a few moments, and then nodded faintly, and moved on to other topics - which was a relief, frankly, because for quite a bit of the day I'd been feeling that my status as a purveyor of credible information was slipping rather badly. Luckily though, Granddad had still been in favour, because a Boy does need at least one reliable grownup in his life. 

I was genuinely surprised and impressed this afternoon, when I watched the two of them work together on the creation of this creation - not so much by R's work (sorry, R), given that way back in the mists of time he took a degree in Lego engineering, as by the Boy's confidence in interpreting the instructions in the booklet, and applying them to the small pieces of plastic heaped in front of him on the table. He's only just turned four, for goodness' sake - shouldn't he still be using Sticklebricks? Clearly, they grow up faster these days.

Question of the day.

Have those fingernails been:

1. Scrabbling about in leaf mould?

2. Picking through muddy gravel?

3. Up his nose?

4. In his mouth?

5. Scrubbed with a nail brush?

One of these five answers is incorrect - I'll leave you to work out which.

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