talloplanic views

By Arell

Heart transplant

Armed with the correct tools, including the specially bought extra long socket and my little torque wrench, I was able to bolt the new alternator onto Fidra's engine block today.

And that was all I managed to do.  The next step needed, as the Haynes manual described it, "appropriate sealant", without specifying exactly what that ought to be.  After much internetry, in the end I decided that what I needed could be found in Halfords.  But the weather has been alternating between gale force wind and gale force wind with rain, so I never had a decent window to pedal to the shop.  I really need to do some exercise somehow though.

But Mum and Dad came round for tea and shopping so we combined our outing and I have the sealant now.  I only needed the merest dribble but had to buy a whole wee tube, which will probably take the rest of my life to use up.

I also had a chance to road test my 27 year-old Garmin, and although it's pretty slow, it works just fine!

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