Dawn's Journal

By DawnP

New Toy

Today I took delivery of a new lens for the little Olympus, a 40-150mm f/4 zoom.  My previous zoom was an ultra cheap second hand one and, silly me, I didn't bother to fit a UV filter for protection. Somewhere along the way the front lens got scratched, which didn't seem to show on the images ... but I knew it was there.

OM System, which now owns the Olympus brand are running a Spring promotion which, together with a store discount, meant I could get around a 1/3rd off the new "pro" lens - no brainer really. Oh, and I have also fitted a UV filter.

I took a walk into the country park to try it out.  It wasn't a good day for photography as the light was poor and the was park looking rather bleak, but the lens clearly shows it superiority over the one its replaces, so I'm happy (main and extras).  I'm hoping to take a trip to London this week, weather and other commitments permitting, so will give it a good try out then. 

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