An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Proud as punch!

Woke at 8am, dozed till 9am,  

Took my time getting things sorted then got showered and dressed, again with a little help from D fetching and carrying.  I could get used to having a man servant!  

Made it downstairs an hour earlier today.  For lunch I had my homemade soup that I made in preparation for this week.  I feel much better eating it than I did making it!  :-))  

While we were having lunch two deliveries of beautiful flowers arrived for me, one from John and Norma and the other from our friends in Skye.  They are gorgeous and definitely blip fodder.  

After lunch the weather was dry with the odd glimpse of blue sky so we went into the garden for some fresh air.  The scent of spring was all around and loved the breeze on my face.  Birds were whistling and the snowdrops all nodding their heads in the wind, agreeing with me when I told them (and I did tell them) that I feel like a new woman!  And I do.  Completely transformed in fact.  I know it's early days but the difference is remarkable.  I just didn't realise the full effect that massive fibroid was having on me! 

I've only had paracetamol today and have felt the most alert I've felt in ages.  Stayed in my wheels all afternoon, in the garden, then at the kitchen table sorting my flowers, chatting to my friend Jude in Australia and S in Skye and of course the two hangers on, Withers and LeeAnne.  That latter pair are impeding my recovery by making me laugh!!!  

Finally got my feet up just before 7pm and still not had a snooze!  I will sleep well tonight though.  Going to upload this then watch an episode of Vera.  Will see if I get to the end of it before snoozeville :-)

Oh yes, today;s blip.  Look at that Golden Girl.  So proud of herself.  She was in the garden with us and running about as usual, sniffing bunnies and chasing squirrels.  D and I were just about to come back inside when he popped down to the end of the garden to check where the neighbour's tree had fallen in the storm.  It's all been cleared away and tidied up but it's the first chance he's had to really look at it without the rain pouring down. 

All checked and happy with the clear up, D was just about to head back when he spotted movement out of the corner of his eye, and there was Lola sitting on the patio of the house behind us (which is at a lower level so quite a drop) gazing in the patio doors at the cat who was sitting inside gazing out at her!!!  

After further investigation D discovered the missing tree has left a little gap that the madam can get through!  A chill went through him as their garden opens onto the road in front of their house (thankfully a very quiet road!) but enough for the what ifs to give him a fright!  

Fortunately her recall is good so she came when he called her, skipping back into our garden looking proud as punch with her new adventure!!!  That's a gap that's going to be closed very quickly!!! 

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