Sparkly Converse

By SparklyConverse

Cheesy and Sparkly Light Boats

A lovely relaxed start to the day after the shenanigans of the day before. Then it was a day of boats. A top notch lunch of cheesy gloriousness on the Cheese Barge. It was so very worth the wait! We had a lovely wander along the canal to Little Venice to stretch our legs and work off some of the post lunch cheese coma. Then it was time to say goodbye as N headed home. I walked over to check into my hotel, and second time luckily for the right one (how was I to know there were two within 10minutes of each other ;). Then it was a trip up the river on the UberClipper boats to Battersea Power Station for a lovely catch up with A. There was a beautiful light trail which was well worth a wander. Then it was back home via the river admiring the bright lights of the city. A very sparkly day!

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