Eye comparison
Left eye first
Sky is cyan and yellow ochre
Tree, a willow, is in yellow ochre, primary yellow, and magenta.
The vegetation at the base of the tree is phtalo green, and the yellow to the left of it is yellow ochre. But that is a bush behind the phtalo green. But there appears to be a lack of depth perception here. I had a look around with my left eye, and generally there was a lack of depth perception anyway. I think this is always been so because in painting I've always found it problematic to make things appear behind each other.
The right new cataract eye. Sky is cyan and neutral tint. The same tree trunk as in the left eye painting is a pale magenta, almost white. This appears to happen only when the sun is shining. For the same bush in front of the tree, this is now sap green with the right eye. And primary yellow for the bush on the left of the sap green bush, which definitely looks behind the sap green bush. I had a look around with just my right new cataract eye, and there was definitely a depth perception with my new cataract eye. It was very markedly so.
In this case looking through both eyes together, I noticed that the right new cataract eye, I am not sure quite how to explain this, takes over the depth perception for both eyes.
My parcel came in the post office/morrisons just after it got dark, and I did not fancy going out in the morning, I wanted a couple of days at home, so I went to collect the parcel.
This is the first time I have driven in the dark since I have the new cataract right eye. I was very aware of the headlights of the cars. I am not saying in a bad way, but I was very aware of all different types of headlights on the cars. I know I was very aware of the differences in the two headlight of the cars. Obviously, as I'm driving, I am not going to do shut one eye and then shut the other eye. I would say about half the cars had their headlights properly adjusted. And the other half of the cars had either faulty headlights, or badly adjusted headlights (I was so precisely aware of the difference between the two headlights on a car that obviously had badly adjusted headlights, I would say that about a quarter of all the cars I saw had very badly adjusted headlights), or they had the fog lights on, or they had them on full beam when it was not necessary. I had seen all this before, but not to this absolutely precise degree since having the right cataract eye done.
Night night, sweet dreams....
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