I did it! Got all the shed stuff into the shed, vacuumed everywhere, washed the kitchen floor for a second time (it was still smeary after last night's cleaning), cleared and washed the table and work surfaces, which have not been used for their proper purpose for weeks, made a bed and had supper ready just as my guest, K, arrived.
Whereas K and her group left Grenoble at 3am (that's 2am our time), got to Lyon airport to find their flight cancelled, had a five hour wait, missed their bus to Oxford, then arrived with just enough time to get to Abingdon to see the theatre for 10 minutes, and not to rehearse. Someone kindly drove K to my door. She had a shower, ate supper and was in bed by 8pm. Tomorrow they have rehearsals in the morning then two performances. On Sunday they leave. It's K's first time in the UK...
Also, two successful Freegle donations which meant a bit more hall floor was exposed, vacuumed and washed. Sometimes it feels like I might get there one day.
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