Romantic - Interesting transition? (FF21_2025)
These are the tulips bought last week for valentine's day. They now look to be heading away from romantic symbolism and toward photographically interesting.
We spent the day away from home (keeps the electric heating bill under control) and had a morning in Banbury where Gill picked up a variety of craft things in a recycling shop. On the way home the traffic was quite choked up as some poor soul had been involved in a motorcycle accident and was being loaded onto a stretcher with the air ambulance not too far away. It didn't look good and puts our central heating problems into perspective.
After lunch we went into Leamington to see the excellent Animal kingdom exhibition at Photiq and on to London Camera Exchange where I took advantage of OM Systems current cashback offers ....
LCE's visit to our camera club in the autumn was a good move for them!
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