By lizzie_birkett


Frank bought a 4-track digital Pocketstudio from my brother Tony.
It arrived today and he is reading the instructions. He always reads instructions thoroughly - unlike me! 
I had a high temperature again last night. As some of you know, I get them from time to time. I know that it is stress related because whenever I get really stressed about something I start to feel shivery then my temperature goes up. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4843908/
I got stressed the other day because my sister phoned me.
She has been waiting for a hip replacement for 5 years and is in pain so stays in bed all day in the living room.
She lives in a big old Victorian house with her son. Her husband (deceased) was a hoarder and so is she
I keep telling her to phone the Dr to ask when her surgery will be and why it is taking so long. She never phones them. She says it’s because her blood sugar is high but she eats all the wrong food. 
Their house is freezing and they can’t afford to heat it enough to keep warm. It is also a mess due to the hoarding. 
I ended up writing to her GP to tell her about the situation. I hope someone goes to see her. I know the GP won’t reply to me due to confidentiality.
Sue and her son lead a strange life. They sleep all day and stay up all night watching Youtube. I feel they have got into a rut and she has got used to just lying in bed. 
Anyway, I’m feeling better today as I had a lazy day and chilled out.

Goodnight and thanks for the comments, stars and hearts. 

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