
By Tagimo

Tilted or Broken (Respectively)

…is the coat of ice on this watering trough in the fields. 
In the first moment I had not thought about it as politically metaphorical.
The Arctic is thawing rapidly, (not only) American democracy is at stake, and the Russian aggression is about to spread across Europe.

Contrast — When the philosopher Ernst Bloch, author of the „Principle of Hope”, is asked on TV in 1975 how he can remain optimistic in the face of the „Monk by the Sea“, the „Seashore by Moonlight“ and the „Ice Sea“ by Caspar David Friedrich, he says: „That there is one left who can paint the picture, and one who can see it, shows that not all was lost.“ (quoted from Florian Illies’s book on CDF)

Or listen to this — (Brahms’s Requiem):  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXU9vqVdudM

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