Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

Purple Crocus

Routine blood tests for my husband this morning.
The repair man, who broke my shower room window, when emptying the septic tank arrived this morning to replace the sealed unit I chased them yesterday. He was here for a long time and then went away saying he would be back later; he did not come back. I have not paid the invoice for the emptying the septic tank and will not so so until it is completed to my satisfaction.
I spent the afternoon at Mah-Jong and think I must be improving as I was put on a table with three other experienced players. One of the experienced players at my table, at the end, said that I doing brilliant, so that is promising.
Today’s picture is of some of the purple crocus flowers in one of the front borders.
The temperature today at noon was three degrees Celsius.  

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