
By LadyFindhorn

Row, Row, Row Your Boat….

The forecast light rain was over by the time I left home this morning but the wind was stronger than I thought. Walking down the High Street  the big Pom Pom on my warm beach bunnet had a life of its own threatening to act as a helicopter rotor and lift me off my feet like an elderly Mary Poppins.

The sea was wavy again and some of the waves packed a real punch as they came ashore. We managed to negotiate beyond the breakers and could swim a little. The sea temperature was 5° and the air was 10°.

As if the powers that be in Edinburgh Council wondered how they could up the ante for commuters, they came up with the solution - road works at either side of Portobello High street near the Harry Lauder crossroads. The traffic was backed up from the latter to Joppa making it more of a nightmare than usual to get home.

Later this afternoon I’m expecting my Yorkshire family to appear. It is half term for the boys. We are going out for a meal tonight with David and Luca and I am looking forward to all the interaction.

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