MMC2025 :: Day 20 :: Day Trippers
Mono Month Challenge 2025
Today we took a boat trip out into Queen Charlotte Sound, something we have done a few times before. Instead of using the tourist cruise we took what could be classed as a taxi service. We started with about 10 passengers, dropped a few off and by the time we returned the boat was full.
Our furthest point was Ship Cove, famous as a regular stopping point for Captain Cook. We also visited Resolution Bay, Endeavour Inlet and Bay of Many Coves where my Blips were taken.
The accommodation at Bay of Many Coves featured the other day on a travel show, it is quite exclusive at about £3000+ per apartment for a 2 night stay. You do get a free breakfast...
Main Blip: It doesn't matter how much you're paying for the room if you don't have a private boat to take you you'll need to use the service we were on. That might mean having to climb over the seats to get onto the pontoon!
Postcard: This is the pontoon at the Bay of Many Coves with the accommodation dotted up the hillside. I wouldn't say no if I was invited to try it out. As you can see today was very sunny and very warm. We are promised a fresher day tomorrow.
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