secret garden

By freespiral

A bit of a scorcher!

Very warm and very windy today, we had a leisurely morning, coffee in Dangerous and a mooch around the shops before we joined up with Joe for lunch. Then did a bit of work in his garden, a bit too hot for much exertion.  High tide at 3 and we went looking for a beach where the waves weren't too wild. We didn't find one and the swell at Tata was pretty bouncy. Joe and I ventured in and my togs got full of scratchiness. I thought it was sand or teeny pebbles but on closer examination proved to be little creatures - sand hoppers to be precise which have an unexpectedly sharp shells. fished them out quickly, already covered with millions of mozzy bites.
A bit more pottering back at the tiny, and a rather delicious salad which included avos and water melon, and we're now relaxing at our place for the evening. I did have a quick look at the news, my jaw fell, my blood boiled and I switched to Blip.
Ps, a new experience - dragon fruit. It looked amazing, is meant to be rammed with wonderful stuff but actually tasted of nothing. Rather disappointing.

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