Every Little Step

By moonfairy

It's All Mine!

Sophia got to the white chair first, Molly will have to wait awhile, before it's her turn

Out to lunch with some old work mates.  Two of them brought their husbands this time.

We sat them together down the end of the table.

We all haven't seen each other for some time.

Can't believe how old some of their grandchildren are, 20, 16 etc,  I remember when they were born!!

Also, two are having trouble with ex-son-in -laws, nice to know I'm not alone.

Got all the news on who's retired, who's sick and who's died!

We won't see each other for another 6 months as one of them has gone caravanning in Tasmania for 5 months, lucky thing, except for the cold it's only 16c there at the moment, it's 29c here!!

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