
By TonyG

Spring for a Day

Mild and for a few hours, sunny today.  The garden crocuses responded accordingly.  These are a form of Crocus vernus, parent of the big blue and white horticultural varieties, which I acquired as 'Balkan Form' about thirty years ago.  These days, with rapidly evolving interpretation of the taxonomy of Crocuses, It likely now has a different name!   It says a lot for their toughness that they grew planted out in the Norwich garden for many years and if anything seem to be doing even better over here in wetter Wales.   They have Cyclamen coum growing around them and also the tiny Tulipa edulis close by.   This bed has a sea of Nigella, Love in a Mist, seedlings across it which I had thought I should weed out but they provide shelter from the wind to these little spring flowers so they can all stay, for now at least.

An earlier start than of late saw me at the morning community pottery session for a couple of hours, chatting and glazing.   Mark having left this morning, Tilda arrived as I got home and after a quick catch up, they headed off for an afternoon with Jamie.   I got a few jobs done before deciding I needed a little snooze .... which turned out longer than intended.   Jamie and Tilda joined Ruth and I for tea bringing a very tasty home-made pudding, well tasty if you like banana in your chocolate bread pudding!   There was a chocolate fudge sauce to go with it which also went well over the leftovers of yesterday's baked sponge :-)

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