loco viejo


A very lovely day

Hard to choose a blip, so many memories... made somewhat easier by all my favourite pics being taken by Debs... which would be cheating... Left Sutton 10.30am, smooth journey down, lunch in the café at Friends House (Quaker HQ), right opposite Euston - though in tune with the theme of the day we walked about half a mile round barriers and circumnavigating the building in order to travel what was about 100 yards as the crow flies... 
Then the fantastic Gordon's Wine Bar (at 47 Villiers Street btw...), so atmospheric, such interesting wines (went for the Alentejo wine I'd spied on the list a week or so ago - delicious dark fruits, but subtle and sophisticated - and really perfect with the three cheeses we chose...). Then up into the light, and cool, fresh air - quite a shock to the system that dazed me somewhat (though the wine might have contributed!)... Walked to Westminster where we met up with Naomi (daughter), who gave us a fascinating "insider's" tour of Parliament (where she works) - once security had removed the Stanley knife from my bag (oops!). Then on to Chinatown for a fantastic meal at Beijing Dumpling...
London's architecture is truly splendid - just fantastic building after fantastic building (Whitehall in extras, but many other sights equally impressive...). Then back to Euston for a relatively smooth journey home - after I'd added another extraneous journey once I realised I'd left my bag in the restaurant in typical Kev fashion... 33 minutes to get tube back from Euston to Leicester Square, walk / jog/ hobble back to Chinatown, collect bag, then the reverse journey... No sweat for a young fit person - but LOTS of sweat, and achy legs for an old fat git... Though I did make it with about 3 minutes to spare - I've cut it a lot finer several times in my life - including one time (also catching the train from Euston to Birmingham) 35-odd years ago where I vaulted the already-closed barriers, opened the door of the moving train, and flung myself in - cutting my forehead in the process, before (several minutes later) recovering enough to walk, bloodied and panting, through the first class carriages to my seat...
Back to today - only slight downer was watching 2nd half of Villa v Liverpool via very intermittent Internet on the train, in which Darwin Nuñez made it his mission to ensure we failed to win... :/

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