Matchstalk men and matchstalk dogs (no cats)
We took the fluffy one to the beach, and he had a wonderful time. We had a big tide today and we arrived just before the bottom and was able to walk the long way up the beach and had plenty of time to walk back before the sea cut the beaches in half.
The main picture is from the junction between the two beaches looking west into the sun towards Intra-Muros. Sorry about the pollution... Two of the extras are looking the same way but from further east on the beach we walked on. The final extra is a broken oyster shell which has acquired some new inhabitants.
For dinner I had a locally sourced lamb shank, which I roasted in white wine, orange juice and honey with a load of vegetables - which was excellent. The recipe is from an old Good Housekeeping cookbook which is always reliable, but French salt-pasture lamb is very different to British lamb - it has a much milder flavour and is a lot less fatty. I did enjoy the lamb - it was very good, but I think I prefer the darker richer flavour of British lamb.
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