
By HeidiHH

At Malva

with J.

Malva is a museum of visual arts in Lahti, Finland. Malva unites two museums from Lahti – the Art Museum and the Poster Museum. 

In the picture is Ahto and J. "The impressive Ahto will be part of the museum experience of every visitor to Malva, as it is located in Malva’s 15 metres high lobby, the Light Gallery, which leads to all of the exhibitions. The multisensory work is specifically designed to be experienced in the Light Gallery. The design of the work takes into account the way museum visitors move in the space: the work constantly lives its own life through movement and the world of sound, but it comes to life in a different way when a museum visitor stops and looks at it."

Malva was fantastic. I could have spent hours there, but we were short on time. J seemed to enjoy it very much and started to wonder which other museums he could visit in Lahti.

There were so many different types of exhibitions to enjoy and all amazing and beautiful. The building itself is an old brewery right in the downtown area. Very cool building indeed. I really really enjoyed myself more than I think is "allowed" :-D.

I spent few hours with L this morning as he's preparing for his big exams.

Today I had a work day that did not feel like work at all. I felt so lucky and blessed. Also exhausted at this point of the day.

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