Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

My favourite tree

I went back to my weekly group golf lesson today and it was good, this week was about improving our use of drivers. I wear my wrist brace which is very uncomfortable on the hand and I am surprised I can grip the golf club properly, but it does support the wrist and allows me to be pain free for the session.

This afternoon I took Xena back to the woods for another walk and I liked this birch tree against the sky. They are my favourite trees as they are attractive throughout the year whatever the season, I do love how their branches look so feathery in winter and in a group have a purple colouring to them.

Gavin had his pre-surgery checks today, he is being operated on in a hospital in London on Friday and will only be discharged on Friday night so we will book a taxi to bring him home as I don't like driving in London, particularly at night. 

One of my favourite authors is John Boyne and he has written a quartet of novellas named after the elements - I have read Water, Earth and today I finished Fire which so far is the best of them, although it is very dark and disturbing. 

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