Monday is a usual shopping day, I went to Morrisons for a change.
Home I put the shopping away & tidied up before Lunch & as it was a dry day I thought I'd walk to see Jane as she'd asked me round for Tea & a Chat.
A nice if chilly walk, I stopped off at the Chemist on the way as I wanted some "Germolene New Skin", sadly they didn't have any, but had "Spray Plaster" instead, hope that will do.
Once at Jane's I sprayed my thumb where I have a very sore cut, nasty smell, I apologised for the smell, I know Jane isn't good with strong smells.
We chatted over a cuppa, she's concerned with her Blood Pressure, but luckily the Doctor has prescribed her with some Medication.
We spoke about this Candle Stick Holder I bought her for her birthday, think it looks alive with a Candle that has dripped down it; also Jane seems to have a few Red Cardinal Birds about the place.
I walked home about 4pm. :)
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