Winter Jewels: Foolish Games
I had made some ice overnight on the front porch, using one of those cool Cafe Steamers plastic containers they put frozen meals in. I had such a good time playing with one of those with ice and beads and light last time that I just had to do it again.
I brought the ice inside and dumped it out; peeled some of its layers off. The plastic container with holes in had with a layer of clear, thin ice still on the other side. I placed it in a clear Pyrex bowl atop some colorful beads; turned on my white headlamp below to illuminate it; turned off the overhead lights; took pictures.
The end result was marvelous for colors and shine, and I had great fun. I know these are silly amusements, but somehow, it cheers me and gives me a creative diversion. So please enjoy one of my favorite shots of the newest jewels I made during winter's foolish games.
My soundtrack song is Jewel, with Foolish Games.
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