
By GloryGlory

Salvaged by ice cream

Today was family day.
Every Sunday is family day.

Today the four of us ventured into the big smoke to Dig the City, Manchesters urban gardening festival.

We were promised stacks of kids activities but were sorely disappointed. There were some highlights like these balloon sculptures, The National Trust stand where the kids made mud pies and built a den and the couple of ideas we picked up which we may use in the new garden when we move. That was it though. We were all fairly lack lustre until...

Gingers Comfort Emporium aka ice cream van selling iced delights like non ever experienced or dared dreamt of! Seriously if you ever come across said retailer you simply must experience their wares - unbelievable!!!

(Sampled by the Bs: vanilla bean and lavender, salted caramel and peanut butter and chocolate)

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