Jillian's Journal

By Daring2Go

Butternut . . .

………………………….or pumpkin, or?
I think that it’s a self seeded hybrid, from my compost!
It’s rather pretty and it’ll be a shame to cut it up.

We’ve actually had some rain and I’m hoping it’ll be cooler tonight. Sleeping might be easier then.

I joined in with 15 minutes of yoga this morning, the first time since that cellulitis episode. I felt very stiff & awkward, so it was about time to get back to it.

I drove down to Cromwell too, to pick up Missy’s new ball. She’s totally destroyed her last two Balls - the same style - but she loves them (to bits, literally) so I ordered No.3.
It wasn’t long before she was out on the lawn playing with it. It’s called a Holee Roller - Hilarious name.

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