Student House
Sunday morning—after a very comfortable night’s sleep, I woke early. Going a bit old-school, I’d brought an actual paper book for a change: ‘The Camera’ by Ansel Adams, which I have been meaning to read for a while. Once everyone was up, we headed over to Monty’s house, then went for breakfast at Public Coffee & Bakery on Frederick Street in town. After that, a long but pretty smooth drive home, and we got back about 2.30 pm… plenty of time to relax and play a lot of Guild Wars 2.
Today’s blip definitely takes the plunge across the border into the surreal… this was taken in the lounge of Monty’s student house, where we played darts while waiting to head out for breakfast. Vanessa held up the odd cardboard cut-out they’d been decorating, which held pride of place on the mantlepiece. I grabbed a quick snapshot, but in the process realised there was something wonderfully quirky about the whole composition here.
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