
By simonslife


This day 12 months ago I was lying in Derriford Hospital with tubes feeding and draining plus wires running here there and everywhere. This after being knocked off my bike from behind by a driver not paying attention.With hindsight I’m extremely fortunate and grateful to have survived such a trauma. It has also made me more aware of traffic and the lack of respect some drivers have for other road users and pedestrians. There are 41,000,000 vehicles registered on our roads in this country, this makes it very difficult to enjoy a leisurely ride on the roads nowadays.
I had a fitful nights sleep but the lazy wind from the south east made our eyes run and awoke the inner senses as we admired gods creation.
Jays, Buzzards, jackdaws, long tailed tits, Nuthatches, Robin, Dunnock, a resident Tree Creeper, starlings, great tits, egrets, pigeons, goldcrest and greater spotted woodpecker were the birds that I can remember seeing.
Wild garlic is starting to appear and is perfect in size and tenderness for adding to salads or stews.
I finished preparing the plethora of pheasants and the pigeon whilst Dippy dashed around hiding a wing or two for a later date:)) I’ve ended up with 5 brace somehow.
Tonight was giblets and pigeon stew.
Other than some tidying and a trip to the bank (where on my way I snapped the tulips) the day slipped away and sleep seemed like the best option.

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