The Way I See Things


Golden hour

"I hate contre jour shots," I said to A, as the owl turned and flew towards us with dazzling low sun behind it. "Ooh!" he said. "I didn't know you spoke German."

Sigh. This is the standard of photographer I have to put up with.

Anyway, here I am, despite my moaning, posting a contre jour shot, because ackshully I rather like it. All that bubbly bokeh is kind of cool, I think, and I like the diagonal spread of the wings. And I'd wanted something other than a side-on fly-by today, and this fits that bill too. Plus - and this wouldn't be reason enough on its own, but it does count for something -  after all the processing I had to do to bring the owl out of the light blur, which took more time than all the rest of today's images put together, I am kind of attached to it.

If I have time later, I'll post some more normal shots on my Facebook page, and add a link to them here.

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