
By spannarama

Tate Modern

I met Kristi at Borough Market this morning. We'd planned to 'eat our way round it', but I had a food hangover from last night, and Kristi could only manage a sausage roll. Had fun looking round it though, and I bought some chilli flakes at the spice shop for Tim (chipotle and naga).

We stopped for a coffee at Café Nero near the Golden Hinde, then carried on along the river to Tate Modern, where we spent a while going round a couple of the collections. I was really tired though, and actually started feeling hungry after a while, so was glad to go and sit down for some late lunch at the Real Greek. After that, we walked back to our respective hotels for a rest before dinner.

Kristi and I met up with our friend Rachael at the George Inn on Borough High Street in the early evening. The last time we'd all seen each other was 13 years ago, so it was really special to be together again. We carried on to Champor Champor for a delicious dinner, nattering away the whole time. Such a lovely evening - and also a thankfully early night, as we were all tired, and Rach was flying to Spain the next day.

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