Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

Safely felled

Headed west to out apiary.

First task to fell an uprooted hanging tree.

Cleared the area so my escape routes available.

Branches off the lower part on the trunk.

First cut at the Base, the tree just slid down to ground still hanging, the root ball did not spring back.

Next cut at 2 metres, log successful cutband tree rolled slowly off the tree supporting it.

All branches stripped and wood ready for saw mill or firewood.

Trimmed branches of other uprooted trees in prep for next visit.

Planted 52 trees in a cleared area.

Soup and pie with laird and family.

Sorted roof of bee shed with some new felt. Cleaned out the shed.

Bees checked for stores, looks like a couple of colonies have not survived.

Planted foxgloves rescued from Allotment.

Dinner made.

Quiet evening planned.

Dog walk awaits.

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