
By simonslife

Sabbath, day of rest.

Which for Dippy falls on deaf ears, full of bounce and enthusiasm for anything in life just as we all should be after a seeing a sky formation such as this.
The mortified Convolvulus hawk-moth was found in the vase in the same photo.
I made a good start on making the haul of pheasants oven ready until my fingers became numb in the icy cold wind.
A lovely brunch of eggs bacon and fried bread plus a slice of toast with some of the delicious lemon and ginger marmalade I bought from a friend at choir last Wednesday.
More sorting out of items from my previous time on this planet with plenty for the incinerator.
With Dippy’s batteries recharged I headed out towards the coast for a gentle stroll with Dippy performing his own version of gentle strolling at break neck speed.
A very welcome hot chocolate was enjoyed at Fremington Quay by me, a homemade doggie treat for his Lordship gratefully devoured. It was lovely to make a reconnection with good friends who now run and work in the Cafe there.
A return to warmth of Amadeus and time for Dippy to enjoy some shut eye.
Me too.

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