Rock n Roll
Thanks for all your lovely comments on yesterdays soppy blip ;-)
C was part of the tonight’s 3 act Line Up for a Valentines Rock n Roll dance at Grantham University
I thought you’d seen enough of C by now ;-) so opted for this shot of the lead singer & his rather eye catching double bass playing daughter from the Rock n Roll band.
The other act, a female vocalist, a long time on the circuit friend of C’s…… all went down really well
I try not to be biased but have to say C’s two sets definitely got the best reactions, easily judged by the packed dance floor :-)
I sat with two couples who id met before, even had a couple of dances myself ;-)
It was a long day, we left home before 4 and got to bed just after 0300hrs, now that’s rock n roll lol
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