David J. Rose

By djrose007

Splintered Goat Willow

Along the left hand side of our garden is a brick wall. On the other side is a plot, owned by the Council, planted with Goat Willow and Elaeagnus Ebbingei (I had to look that up for the spelling!).
At some time, during the past 4 or 5 storms that we had during December and January at least one of the Goat Willow sustained damage. We didn't notice it until today when we put up the blind in Julia's room while putting the furniture back into place after cleaning the carpet.
There is a very clear change in the vegetation, a large gap in one place and, where there was a gap, the gap is covered. The branches are leaning considerably over our garden.
So today I emailed the 'Heretohelp' email address for the Council help office pointing out, very politely, that the trees are on council land and they are posing a danger to our conservatory/extension and to our garden. I sent the two photos above, plus others, and the location of course.
I am hoping for a positive response, they are usually very good about other things, e.g. when you report fly tipping, but there is also the point that if they do nothing, and we do sustain damage, then I have email proof that I pointed out the dangers for any follow up action! I'm of a generation that doesn't seek to sue at the drop of a hat but that extension cost an arm and a leg, figuratively speaking.

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