Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

My First Digital Camera

We started the challenging task of sorting out the house contents for my mother-in-law. It was worth the early start as both she, and her husband, never liked to throw anything away! 

There were those moments when we came across items that brought back  memories of our lives with them. It’s a cathartic experience, and one that we mustn’t rush, for fear of missing things. We’ve already found some lovely photographs to remind us of great times together.

I was surprised when I came across this, my first digital camera, which I passed on to them when 1.5 megapixels just seemed too small! If I remember rightly I upgraded to 6 megapixels. Those were the days. I just need to find the charger and I might use it to take another photo. I think the only problem will be trying to find a card reader.

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