This is the day

By wrencottage


There have been plenty of visitors here today, of the human, avian and mammalian varieties. 

Of the four human visitors we were expecting, unfortunately only two arrived. Daddy came with five year old H for lunch, but sadly Mummy had to stay at home with seven year old L, who was feeling unwell and had a nasty developing cough. Daddy went home clutching a large carrier bag of lunch leftovers …

The other visitors were spotted mainly through the kitchen window while we were preparing lunch together, prompting Smithers to enquire whether I could possibly move the camera with the large lens off the kitchen worktop as it was in his way. (In reality, he’s used to my obsession with having a camera and the binoculars close at hand at all times and was just enjoying winding me up …)

As well as those visitors in the collage, there were plenty of blue tits, great tits, a coal tit and a dunnock and, less welcome, the ubiquitous wood and feral pigeons.

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