This image pretty much sums up what most of us northern new englanders are feeling right now. We’re nearing the end of the winter season, it’s been a snowy season so far, and we’re tired of all of it!! No more plowing, please; no more shoveling; no more roof clearing. Enough!! • Mother Nature always has the last word :) • There was 3-4” on the ground when I got up this morning. No birds around, just squirrels. It’s currently noontime and still snowing like crazy. Isaac text to remind me if we get more than 8” he’ll need to plow twice. It appears he’ll need to do that. Sleet and freezing rain moves in later despite temperatures below 20F. Tomorrow morning is concerning • Laundry, homemade soup, UConn Bball and a movie on the agenda. Perhaps some puzzling too • Enjoy the rest of your weekend! • Peace & Love & Spring
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