
By PaulaJ


When Jeanne blipped this jigsaw a few days ago she knew I would love it and will not be surprised that I ordered the same one. I got it from the Yorkshire Jigsaw Company - (a very efficient set up they have, it arrived in a couple of days).

I have spent some time on it today - a cold, dull day and my hip playing up (I’m going for an X-ray on Tuesday). So I haven’t done a lot more than the jigsaw and reading. I’m loving both, so that’s okay.

Later this afternoon Maisie and her grandad had a get together about geography - she had requested a session to help her get the top marks that she’s hoping for. Then we got a few minutes with the three of them. We haven’t seen them since Christmas so it was nice to catch up with them. They are all so busy studying, with exams in a couple of months.

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