shades of yellow...

...on this tiny butterfly

who made me work for this shot - as it flitted madly about - fast and frantic as though it had places to go, people to see this day - it wasn't an easy capture by any means - i believe the smaller a butterfly is, the more difficult they are to photograph - they don't seem to want to land or once landed, don't desire to remain there very long at all - i had to implement my "butterfly whispering" skills with this little one - and let me tell you - the tiny beauty is about the size of my little fingernail - beyond precious - with varying degrees of yellow shading the whole body

other than a wee bit of cropping - this shot is straight out of the camera - i haven't done anything to the coloring because i didn't want to interfere with what nature had already done - which is pretty perfect in my book - the nuances of shading - the way in which the coloring captured the sunlight caught my breath - i'm sure i haven't done it the proper justice here - but in presenting it sooc, i have tried - therein making it...


happy day.....

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