Dimples daily

By Dx

A Bridget Jones moment!

Oot in the wee rid car for a blast. The boys were at their friends so MrD decided it was time to get over my fear more confidence at the wheel of the 'toy' car. I took this self portrait while MrD was opening up the accelerator!

I have to say that there is a romantic notion that at some point I will take the car out for a girlie jaunt (there is a queue of friends that think this would be great!). And that it will all be very Audrey Hepburn however after today I was proved correct that it would be more like 'Bridget Jones', I am still trying to de tangle my hair.


I apologise to anyone reading this who is either male or lives outwith the UK to the reference to Bridget. To explain she is an iconic character from a book (then film) to women of a certain age who goes for a weekend away in a lovely open top sports car and arrives at the destination with hair looking like she had been 'dragged through a hedge backward'. And nowhere near as elegantly sophisticated as she had envisaged!

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