Early closing
The amount of reconstruction and snagging and dealing with shoddy workmanship going on over the way is enormous. Now the whole road (the new Fyfe Lane) is closed as they've had to take up some of the paving. They still haven't capped off the very large concrete slab they levered into place in November. It must be full of water....
Anyway....that was the dull bit of the day (the morning), noticing that out of the bedroom window. We had to go shopping this morning, using the car, but we managed to include a trip to see Pie Dolly, who had the most excellent sausage rolls with pulled pork and kimchi which she has been advertising all week on social media. Well worth it.
I picked up this photo when we headed off after lunch for the exciting part of the day: a matinee at The Royal Lyceum. The Merchant of Venice presented by Theatre for a New Audience. We'd had great reviews from JH and S, who saw it last Saturday evening, and AL, who had been to see it twice and was planning a third attendance. The second half rather blew our minds away. Such a lot of ambiguity packed into just an hour of theatre. One just has to treat the Acts before the interval as setting the scene. It's had great (and very thoughtful) reviews, and rightly so. Sadly, it finishes this evening, so I am just glad we got in there in time.
It's persuaded us to do some more theatre later in the spring.
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