
By carliewired

72 F/ 22 C

Peaceful enjoyment
of my home requires there is


I woke to the rattle and bang of the yard sale across the street. Drivers park awkwardly, slam doors, their remotes beep the locks, they march along the street in endless chatter......all setting off the dogs in the neighbourhood who don't like the invasion any more than I do. 

It appears that the County has enforced that the neighbours must put away the sales items between sales so the front yard doesn't look like a junk heap every day. However, the sales continue....

The County has not followed up with me since my complaint. I expected I would get a phone call, but none so far. I will need to put my concerns in writing now. Certainly all of this will cease when the snowbirds go home and the heat comes on, but I expect it will resume next fall when the snowbirds start to return to Yuma. 

I sat outside my backdoor to have  a look around the backyard. In no time a sparrow, a dove and the lovely mockingbird showed up for a visit. I'm still waiting to hear the mockingbird sing. 

It will be a quiet day at home with my sewing machine. 

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