The wood was delivered today. It's a huge blessing as it means that Little Man and I will be warm over coming weeks, and hopefully, months. It's hard to say how long the wood will last for. The delivery men did just dump it in front of the garden so I spent about forty minutes moving it into the empty crates I have standing inside the garage. It wasn't easy because I was also trying to keep an eye on Little Man, who kept running round the side of the house and out of sight. In the end i took him left him in the garden, quickly finished moving the last of the wood and went to look after him. I didn't want to leave the wood standing outside because the forecast keeps threatening heavy snowfalls overnight. If the wood gets wet, it won't burn well, if at all, rendering it pretty much useless.
The rest of the day was spent quietly hanging out inside. I don't think Little Man slept well last night because he's been very clingy today, and prone to tears. I hope he sleeps well tonight because I'm not too keen on going to church with a tired toddler tomorrow.
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