An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Last Day Blues...


David was feeling a bit better today thank heavens! but still not 100%. At least food was behaving itself in his stomach so that was a blessing.

Decided that since we will be in the car for hours tomorrow heading back up to Zeebrugge for the ferry home, we would just relax at the holiday house today.

Weather lovely again so Alan got in the pool for his last swim and splash. Although this holiday house is fantastic and has been ideal for us, the downside given my current mobility problems, is the 4 acres of gardens!

Unfortunately all this garden space means the pool is a short distance from the house but far enough away and down a slope that my poor knee can't cope with so I've not been able to get pool side to see Alan enjoying his favourite activity. Ele took this shot for me.

David did the packing as I'm more of a hindrance than a help at the moment. Having two elbow crutches and not able to carry anything is a real nuisance!

Had our traditional last night of holiday BBQ. Ele and Kenny had gone to the local butchers and bought lovely steaks......beef not horse or so he said! Either way they were delish!

Early-ish night almost midnight as up at 6am tomorrow. Yawn.

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