Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Hello Lovely Blippers,

We usually post our Blip for Silly Saturday earlier, but we wanted to make sure that Mr. HCB was OK after his minor op today.  We had a little pow-wow and decided that we wouldn’t all go to the hospital with him, so some of us stayed at home and just PC Plod and Catrina, the Cat went.

Mrs. HCB insisted on taking some photographs - well she would, wouldn’t she - and the first one is us sitting on the windowsill just as we got out of the lift.  We were a bit scared because it was a long way down, but Mrs. HCB said we would be fine and there was a large piece of glass behind us!  If there hadn’t been, that would have been very silly!

When we got to the Wren Unit, we helped Mr. HCB to check in and you can see us there - although please don’t think that the man with the beard is Mr. HCB! 

There were lots of empty chairs, we guess because it is Saturday, so Mrs. HCB asked if we would sit on some of them and you can see we had a great time sitting in all sorts of different chairs - the blue one was ENORMOUS!

And of course, it goes without saying that Mrs. HCB gave Roz, the nurse, and Sharon, the receptionist one of her little wooden hearts before they left and they were both delighted.  

Mrs. HCB took a photograph of Mr. HCB when they got home and you can see he is smiling although he has had 11 stitches in his forehead, so has been told that he must take paracetamol to keep the pain at bay, once the anaesthetic wears off.  We know that Mrs. HCB will make sure he does.  He has also been told to rest and he mustn't lift anything heavy, so we heard Mrs. HCB saying that she was looking for a long piece of rope to tie him into his chair! Ha ha - now that is silly and we think that Admirer would have laughed. 

Roz, the nurse, told Mr.  HCB lots of "do's and don'ts" and we know that Mrs. HCB will look after him well.  However, we think we might make him a hot chocolate with marshmallows to cheer him up a bit - not that he is miserable, but it is always good to have something chocolatey, well we think so anyway, and we know that Mrs. HCB would be in agreement.  

You know that we always encourage you to BE KIND;  we are sure that Mrs. HCB will be kind to Mr. HCB this weekend and we want you all to be kind to everyone you meet too, and not just occasionally, but every single day!  

With love from P.C. Plod and Catrina, the Cat and the rest of the Silly Saturday Gang xx

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