
By EdwardHealey

On a train...

...but where to?

You'll have to look at the extras to find out.

A trip there to go to a wonderful outdoor shop, especially if you're a lover of Paramo stuff like me. I've been a few times but this time I went to recycle an old Helki jacket that was well past its prime and replace it with a new one. Paramo does a fabby recycling scheme (not sponsored!). The shop also has a very long history and has been going since 1902, long may it continue. 

While I was there, this time, I explored the town. My first port of call in any town is the local museum, as they are without fail all ace. This one didn't fail to deliver. From stuffed birds to tattoos to the town's mining heritage (there's a clue right there).

A good day.

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