michigan man

By outdoorguy

Pseudobombax Ellipticum

The shaving-brush tree.

Well, Lisa and I made it to Florida. We left on Tuesday morning at 9:10 a.m., and drove 525 miles, stopping in Clinton, Tennessee.

On Wednesday we drove about 200 miles, ending up at our friend's house in Carrolton, Georgia, about an hour west of Atlanta.

It was good to see our old friends Jerry and Barb. Many moons ago, Jerry was the minister of our church, and we had kids that grew up together. We got to see Jerry in action, making broccoli soup and sliders for supper, and his famous biscuits and gravy for breakfast on Thursday.

We left their house at 10 and pulled into the Bradenton Florida condo at 8:30. A long day, but it feels good to be here

I talked Lisa into going out to the botanical garden for a Flower Friday picture, and then we went grocery shopping.

Every time I see the shaving-brush flower, I think back a few years when I knelt down to get a better picture of the flower...only to find that I was in a red ant hill. 22 bites, with all 22 leading into puss-filled sores that i had to pop open. 

Thanks to Bikerbear for hosting.

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