Ochil Hills and Forth Bridges
Another grey day and cold. A bit busy at work with meetings in the morning. Partner and I go for a walk around the park. Views are very hazy, but we can see snow on the top of West Lomond Hill. Wildlife was notably absent.
On the afternoon walk, the brightness is trying to win through. Walking up the hill, we are protected from the bitter east wind. But at the top we feel the full force of the breeze. I take a few photos, and the blip photo, looking NW from the summit, was the best one. In the foreground, Craighouse on the slopes of East Craiglockhart Hill is bottom left. Corstorphine Hill slopes up to the right. All three of the Forth bridges are in the centre left. And the Ochil Hills are in the background, with Ben Cleuch the highest peak, 721m ASL, slightly right of centre. Walking east we can see sunlight over East Lothian, squeezed in between rain showers to the north and south. The nice bit of the walk is that the wind is on our backs all the way home. The sunlight never quite reached us. The sun has set by the time we get home. Hoping for a sunny Friday to end the week.
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