Hopefully Not on Tonight's Menu!

Today we are visiting Trincomalee in Sri Lanka.  We took a rather lacklustre tour of a Hindu temple, followed by about an hour of s-l-o-w driving around dusty streets in a cramped, hot bus before disembarking for a 10-minute "potty break", then another half hour of more s-l-o-w driving aimlessly around until we reached an ancient Buddhist temple which is in the process of archaeological excavation, and would have been interesting if our guide had only told us something!  More s-l-o-w meandering followed until we finally returned to the ship!

This picture was taken from the bus window as we sat in traffic.  Those fish in the baskets are dried tuna.  None of it looked terribly appetizing, but I'm sure if you know how to cook it, it would taste just fine.  I suspect it's probably very similar to Portuguese bacalhao.

Extra:  As I was photographing coconut palms during the "potty break" stop, I noticed what at first looked like a bag or some cloth draped on a branch ... then I realized no ... that's a big bee's nest!

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