Jesmond baths
In the past, I quite often found my blip on my walk to work. Now here's one from my journey to visit Mummy hazelh at her care home in Newcastle. This is one of the old signs over the entrance to Jesmond baths, which I pass on my walking route from the station.
Mummy hazelh was pleased to see me. We sat in the small lounge for the whole time that I was there. I read some of the 1982 letters out loud to her, as planned. This prompted some conversation, but not as much as I had hoped. She enjoyed more the video clip that Mr hazelh made of Jack's band's performance last week. I'll continue to take letters along in the future. Even if my mother is not particularly interested in their content, I am. Taking them to Newcastle gives me a chance to read them. Otherwise they would just sit neglected in a box in my study in Edinburgh. I also continued my knitting while I was at the home. I hardly made any progress at all, but muddled through the transition from the ribbing to the main section of the back of the jumper. Not all the extra stitches are in the right places, but I don't think that will matter to Paddy.
The funniest moment of the day came when I checked the organisation of Mummy hazelh's clothes in her room and discovered someone else's cardigan in her wardrobe. My mother is a thief! She told me that she had told the carers that it wasn't hers, but they had not believed her. I can see how they made their mistake: the style of the 'stolen' garment is very much like that of my mother's own knitwear.
I spotted lots of young men carrying bunches of roses home with them when I walked back through town to the station to catch my train back to Edinburgh.
Exercise today: walking (21,546 steps).
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