
By Martigan

SLIGHT (?) surprise?

       From time to time I keep harking back to "the good(?) old days".  I did a Blip a few years ago; Alice & I were up in Booth's Café for a brew/meal, can't remember which.  I noticed a slice of Battenburg Cake priced at what would have been about 1/2 of Dad's weekly 1950s Wage Packet; when he'd bring home Between five & six Quid.  He almost always said "Ah've shecken it" The loose coins change he shook out kept him in cigs/tobacco dependent upon buying Cigs or on roll-ups.  I used to nip round to Bouch's on my Bike with a two Bob bit, get 10 cigs out of the machine on the wall outside the shop;  the penny or two's change tidily slipped under the celophane wrapper, or into packet.  (Another escaped memory)
       Today I treated myself to a Mars.  Jerra will tell you I frequently admit to a Godawful memory.  It's actually more weird than awful.  He remember things from WAY BACK that I ought to have remembered being four years older, and him maybe 6-7 at the time.
And YET.
       When I was in Croft Hostelwhile at St. John's York, (1962-64) the phone number was York 24736.  I have NO idea why the following also got stuck in there - BUT - I'm close to 100% certain Mars used to be 64gm each.  This one was 50gm and Dad's "then" wages would have bought five Mars bars, with a little change over.

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